
Financial Services

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    Tailored finance for all your solutions

    Leasing is a way of funding equipment which keeps money in your business rather than in depreciating assets. It enables you to make regular repayments, which meet your cash flow and budgetary requirements, over a time period that suits you.

    Leasing can help your business in the following ways:

    • Maximise affordability – Leasing allows you to spread the cost of your equipment acquisition over the useful life of the asset.
    • Improved cash flow – Leasing enables you to avoid putting a large amount of cash into a depreciating asset. Allowing you to invest your capital in other areas such as product development, marketing or other business opportunities.
    • Lower Capital Outlay – Unlike with equipment financed through an outright purchase leasing equipment requires a lower capital outlay.
    • Upgrading Existing Equipment – Through leasing you are given the opportunity to upgrade these assets during the life of the contract hence, you are given access to the latest technology and do not have to wait months or years to recover capital costs.

    We partner with Xerox Financial Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of Xerox, to provide you with the best financial solution to suit your requirements. We with Xerox Financial Services are dedicated to providing both simplicity and flexibility in every solution, to meet your requirements.