
Xerox® Translate and Print App

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    Eliminate language barriers. Instantly.

    Woman using printer

    With this app on your Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology-enabled multifunction printer (MFP), you just walk up, scan your document in and print it out in the language of your choice.

    One language in. Another out.

    Icon scan document

    Scan your document

    Icon printer printing

    Translate instantly

    Icon stack paper


    A faster, easier way to translate — and retain original layout.

    This app uses state-of-the-art technology to deliver instant translations. Simply scan your hard copy document and receive a translation in your choice of 44 languages.

    Front panel display printer

    Easy Access

    Just choose your original and target languages, then scan.

    Coworkers reviewing print-outs

    Instant results

    Get immediate results in the original layout.

    Coworkers discussing printed chart sheet

    Better engagement

    Break down the communication barrier to make a more meaningful connection with your audience.

    Your workplace assistant is ready and waiting.

    Streamline workflows and tame complex processes in any education or office setting with Xerox ConnectKey Technology-enabled devices and apps for your workplace assistant.


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